Monday, August 6, 2007

Why are all the drawbridges on strike?

Those drawbridges are crazy. Last week (before I started the blog) there were 2 days in which 2 seperate bridges were not lowering. One in Beverly the other in Boston.

This morning, bright and early at 6:30am I leave for the train. As I am walking up to it the conductor opens the door and yells out to everyone, "If you have an alternate form of transportation to get where you are going, we recommend you use it! The drawbridge is stuck open in Saugus and we don't know when we will be leaving." Outstanding. My husband had already driven away and I am calling my friend who gets on at the stop after me. I call my husband back and he comes gets me, swings by and grabs my friend and then takes us to the nearest subway stop. So we are now running really late. We ended up getting to work about 20 minutes late which was a blessing as my sister who takes the same line and got caught up in that mess far earlier ended up 2 hours late. They were apparently bussing out of Lynn to Chelsea and then you take the train to North Station. No a/c on the busses obviously.

So here we are work work work. So we look at the MBTA website and there is yet another drawbridge issue! Basically saying "You may not go home tonight as you found away around this devious trick this morning!" (I imagine the website has a deep booming threatening voice.)

So we are getting our spouses to play chauffiers today. My hubby dropped us off and friends wifey will be picking us up (most likely).

I will post with an update of our commute home later.

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